5TH Jackson Adult Prom
It's that time again! The 5TH Jackson Adult Prom is almost here. Get your tickets early. Live entertainment, DJ, Catered, giveaways, and dancing!
We are crowning Prom King and Prom Queen for 2024. Audience vote! Wear your best dress, mingle, and take part in the dancing and giveaways!
Hosted by 90.1FM DJ Handyman and Ragman
Game and Giveaway Hosts: A Slay
Live Performances by Mark Holloway, Levettea Davis, Comedian Blakkdaddy, and Talent show winner!
This is a catered event. No outside food and you must be 21 years and older to enter
Vendor Spots available $65. Email aslayproductions@gmail.com
5TH Jackson Adult Prom
It's that time again! The 5TH Jackson Adult Prom is almost here. Get your tickets early. Live entertainment, DJ, Catered, giveaways, and dancing!
We are crowning Prom King and Prom Queen for 2024. Audience vote! Wear your best dress, mingle, and take part in the dancing and giveaways!
Hosted by 90.1FM DJ Handyman and Ragman
Game and Giveaway Hosts: A Slay
Live Performances by Mark Holloway and Levettea Davis
This is a catered event. No outside food and you must be 21 years and older to enter
Vendor Spots available $65. Email aslayproductions@gmail.com
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